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New Years greeting cards
Fifth year in a row the First Children’s Embassy in the World, Megjashi has prepared the new year’s greeting cards. This year greeting cards have double paper from which 6 of them are including new themes and 2 of them are using themes from the previous year. This year there were three different prices for the New Year’s cards (30 denars, 40 denars and 50 denars). The themes 7 and 8 were priced at 30 denars because they were on stock from the last year, the themes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 were prices at 40 denars and the theme 1 was priced at 50 denars because it had more3 colors than the others. The whole amount that was collected from the New Year’s cards is 1.094.355, 00 denars. The founds that were collected from the sale of the of the greeting cards are going to be devoted for the SOS helpline for children and youth 0800 1 22 22 (free line), the struggle against pedophile and all other kinds of violent behavior on children, the Daily Center for children that don’t go to school and the Free legal service. 

We want to give gratitude to A1 television which approved advertisement of the New Year’s greeting cards without any fees charged, and also to SETKOM rent a car which allowed us to have vehicle when we needed the most at the lowest price.