Santa Claus gave New Year’s gifts to 484 children
· Donation of 369 New Year’s gifts in partnership with Macedonian Telecomunications
The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi in partnership with Macedonian Telecomunications organized an action for giving New Year’s presents. The presents were given to the children form The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi, form the Children workshops and the Daily Centre, to the children from Elementary School “Zlatan Stremac” and the children from the Assosiation for help to Autism Children.

On the occasion of giving the presents, on December 24th two celebrations were performed, one in the Elementary School “Zlatan Stremac” and another in Elementary School “Ljuben Lape” for the children from The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi and the children from the Help For Autism Children Assosiation. Representatives from Macedonian Telecomunications were present on the celebrations.
Giving 60 gifts in partnership with Canal 5 The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi in partnership with T.V. Canal 5, gave New Year’s presents to 60 children, who visit classes in the pre- school Centre for support of Roma education – Kumanovo.
On the occasion of giving the presents, a celebration was organized in the premises of the school Centre for Support of Roma Education. All of the children who come from socially endangered families received gifts from Santa Claus. Their eyes were filled with happiness because on this day they felt that someone thinks of them and haven’t forgot about them.
· New Year’s gifts in partnership with Cosmofon
Cosmofon in partnership with The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi, gave presents on the occasion of the New Year Holyday. They enhance the day for these 35 children from the Daily Centre in The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi. Besides giving presents, Cosmofon organized a short show with a magician for the children.
Partnership with Fershped for New Year Holyday Fershped too, in partnership with The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi, provided New Year’s gifts. These presents were given to the children from socially endangered families on December 31st.