Participation in Fairs and BazaarsO IWA Bazaar (01.12.2007 year) At the first bazaar IWA Bazaar which lasted for a day were sold cards with children drawings of children workshop members, calendars with four motives of our last year compaign “Did you hug your child today?” and manually produced things (candlesticks, earrings, magnet letters, photo frameworks, plaster hearts for walls). The children’s Embassy got a free stand for exibiting its things.
During this fair were collected 7.710,00 denars. O Nova Family Bazaar (02.12.2007 year)
At the second bazaar Nova Family Bazaar which lasted also for a day, the same things were sold as during the first one. During this fair were collected 3.830,00 denars.
O New Year Fair (14.12.2007-29.12.2007 year)
At the third fair – Skopje fair which lasted for 15 days were exibited the same things as at the first two fairs. The stand we were provided with there was a donation from the fair. During this fair were collected 8.385,00 denars.
All the money that were collected from the fairs are intended for the work of the free SOS phone for children and youth 0800 1 2222, Daily Centre for Street Children as well as for the children’s workshops.