Introducing the institution – Represent in the UN Secretary- General in order to fight against violence upon childrenThe First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi informs that the General Parliament on the UN, on Tuesday 22.11.2007, made a decision to introduce the institution Representative in the UN General secretary in order to fight against violence upon children, whose task is to point out all the forms of violence upon children and to demand their removal. The representative will also initiate broadening of the models of good practices and examples; he will contribute in the coordinating and communication between UN organizations, the states, non-governmental and the children.
The decision for establishing a Reprezentative for protecting the children from violence , was voted by 179 countries, members of the UN. No country – member was abstinent, only U.S.A. were against.
The statistics have shown that, around the world, every year 150 millions of girls and 73 millions of boys are victims of sexual abuse, that 126 millions of children work on dangerous jobs, and that about two million of children are already exposed to prostitution. More than 1000 NGOs from 134 countries, among them The First Childrren’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi, have signed the petition for establishing Representative in the UN General secretary in order to fight against violence upon children.