The Center for Civil Initiatives (CCI) is a Croatian, non-governmental and not-for-profit organisation established in 1998 in response to an increased need for community development in small urban and rural communities of central and northern Croatia, in particular in those experiencing post-war return of population. The association was entered in the Associations Register of the Republic of Croatia on 16 July 1998 under the registration number 00000981. To view the Statutes of the association, click here:http://www.cci.hr/en/about-us/statute/We are working on the Croatian territory.The highest body of the association is the Assembly, meeting once a year and consisting of all association members. The Management Board includes 5 members and meets at least once in three months, or more often if necessary.President of the Association and members of the Board are elected at the term of 4 years.

Balkan Sunflowers is an international grassroots organisation, founded in 1999 to aid the Kosovar refugees. Volunteers from around the world saw the TV images of the war and refugee emergency. They wanted to help in ways that money could not.They believed that person-to-person contact with aid workers who came to work as friends and neighbors, might help restore community life in ways that emergency aid and political support alone could not. Balkan Sunflowers believes that volunteers – international and local – participating in community life, crucially promotes the ideals of a caring and open society.Balkan Sunflowers current projects are: the Learning Centers Network, School Mediation program, Strategy Advocates program, The Rolling Film Festival 2012, and the Partnership for Reconciliation through Early Childhood and Development in Europe (PRECEDE). Recent projectsinclude Support to Minority Broadcasting in Kosovo, Kosovo Census Awareness, and Great Films that Change our World.Balkan Sunflowers primary focus areas are Community, Human Dignity, and Children and Youth . Balkan Sunflowers, through the support of our donors, provided more than 100,000 hot meals to children participating in our Learning Centers Network program in 2012.

We are a non-governmental, non-profit making organisation established in 2004. We promote quality care and education for children from 0 to 18 years of age and their parents. We are also dedicated to helping young people find their place in Serbia.Three programme lines are in our focus:Quality education for all, ecology (inclusive education for all children, improvement of education for ethnic minorities starting from preschool levels to adult education)Youth Activism (youth involvement and activism, needs and development of local communities, social partnerships at the local level, capacity building for local NGOs)Prevention and protection of children and youth trafficking (late registration of non-registered children, youth and their parents).

Early Years is the largest organisation in Northern Ireland working with and for young children. We are a non-profit making organisation and have been working since 1965 to promote high quality childcare for children aged 0 - 12 and their families. Early Years is a membership-based organisation, a registered charity, a company limited by guarantee and is governed by a Board of Directors.

The First Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi is an international NGO with the purpose to protect children and their rights and to strengthen the NGO movement for the children's rights. Founded on the 29th of April 1992, Megjashi strives for respecting the child's personality through protection of their rights, advocating for their best interests, connecting children from different backgrounds and enriches their lives with events that make the childhood secure and fruitful. It also strengthens the NGO movement for protection of children rights in the Republic of Macedonia, by developing the voluntary approach in its operation and by exercising concern for the Convention of Children Rights.

Partnerë për Fëmijët (Partners for Children) is a local Albanian not-for-profit organisation with its headquarters in Tirana and three field offices based in Peshkopi, Kukes and Bajram Curri in north eastern Albania.
Partnerë per Fëmijët was registered with the Albanian Court on 29 December 2006. Partnerë për Fëmijët implements programmes on early childhood, care and development, education, children with disabilities and child protection.
Since 2003 the organisation has developed, managed and supported the setting up, training and ongoing support of community based preschool and social centres know as the Gardens of Mothers and Children Centres in partnership with the Regional Directorates of Education, Municipalities, Communes and parents. Currently Partnerë për Fëmijët is supporting 55 Gardens of Mothers and Children Centres and 8 state kindergartens in Dibër, Has Kukës and Tropojë Districts. In 2012 another 10 state kindergartens will be supported to improve the level of resources and the learning methods, ensuring a child rights approach.
NGO »Children First« was established and listed into the Register of non-governmental organizations on February 4, 2003.

The organization was founded by eminent experts in the field of social and child protection in Montenegro who were involved, in various ways and capacities, in implementation of a number of high quality projects supported and executed by international NGOs in partnership with relevant ministries and institutions. The reason for establishing such an organization was the awareness of the necessity of NGO sector involvement in the reform of social– and especially child – protection in Montenegro. This field used to be on the margin, for different reasons, and faced various problems such as lack of trained staff, insufficiently developed network of services focused mainly on financial assistance and institutional accommodation, insufficiently efficient and economical system etc. The founders possess experience, knowledge, enthusiasm and desire to improve and reform the system of social protection in Montenegro.