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First Children's Embassy in the World for Inclusion of All Children in Education Process

Wed, 04/05/2011 - 12:52pm Last Monday, May 2, the First Children's Embassy in the World Megjashii marked the start of the Macedonian segment of the global action to raise public awareness about the need to cover all children with obligatory education. This year’s action topic is “Education for Women and Girls”, with official motto “It’s a right; Realize that Right: Education for Women and Girls Now!” and sub-slogan “Yes, she can”.During the one week campaign (it concludes on May 9, 2011), a number of events under the title “The Big Story" will be held, and one class in all schools should be dedicated to the main topic of the campaign. Teachers and members of faculty should explain to the children, in a way that is easy and simple to understand, that 69 million children in the world don’t go to school, can’t read and write, with majority of them girls. 

Megjashi  comments that, in spite of existing national legislation in Macedonia prescribing mandatory elementary and secondary education, some 18.500 children stay out of school, while 200,000 citiznes have not completed elementary education.“The exclusion from the education process is a risk factor and could lead to them being sucked into the worst forms of child labour and deviant behaviour", Megjashi representatives say.Under the auspices of the campaign, a number of women will visit the children at Megjashii’s Day Centre for children that don't go to school and will talk to the children about how education helped them achieve positive change in their lives.During the global campaign, politicians, activists and citizens in more than 100 countries will gather to listen to inspirational stories of women and girls whose lives were changed by proper education.


The campaign is international and on world level is coordinated by Global March Against Child Labour.
On national level, already 10th year in a row, the campaign is being coordinated and organized by the First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi.

