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Teachers also complain at the Children’s Embassy“Megashi” presented the results from the campaign” Look, hear, say”
Skopje 10-th December

The violence in schools is increasing, warns “Megashi”

Teacher named the pupil retarded, put pressure to be extracted from the class;another teacher from elite school offended the children with humiliating words and hit the children on their heads with chalks, books and notebooks. The pupil complained to the headmaster, but the answer was that it had happened for years and due to the party orientation of the teacher no measures can be taken.

These are only some examples of the calls received on the free SOS phone line for youth and children at the First Embassy “Megashi” this month, after the beginning of campaign “ Look, hear, say” that was initiated to encourage the reporting of violence over children. According to the analyzes of the Children’s Embassy, surprising is the ever increasing violence in school, which comes right after the family violence. Out of 36calls, 15 are regarding family violence and 12 are regarding violence in the schools.

-We expected more calls regarding the family violence, but the fact that there are almost equal number of cases of school violence, surprised us. We had a case where a child visiting inclusive tuition was moved to more schools because it had been hyperactive. The teachers have not been enough sensitive to pay appropriate attention to this child-says Zmijanac. She adds that together with than complaints on behalf of the children for teachers, there are complains on behalf of the teachers for the children.

-we were visited by teachers who complained that they have been maltreated from the children. A teacher of Physical Exercise complained that she was hit by the students with ball, because she was new. The principal of the school took no measures, because the above mentioned teacher did not belong to the same political party. She adds that in the registered cases, they had submitted claims to the prosecutor and in some cases they managed to punish the teachers who had committed violence. Psychologist Miroslav Pendarovski states that the violence in the schools is mutual. The nervous and stress of the teachers are base for aggressive outrages over the children, but the children, on their behalf, lack sense for authority.

-In my opinion, used to be there was also violence over children, but we remained silent in order to avoid problems with the school. The violence now has not been increased, but  children have where to complain. However, we may not blame the teachers for everything. Children are also responsible for lack of good manners and lack of sense for authority. The professor can not bring up the children in two lectures, but it doesn’t mean he needs to beat the children, says Pendarovski

Aneta Todevska

Translated by Biljana Stefanovska